Canada: ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions and McInnis Cement have announced a sales/purchase agreement valued at US$133m for the manufacture and supply by ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions (USA) of a complete cement production line.
The new 6000t/day capacity plant is currently under construction on a greenfield site in the Port-Daniel-Gascons area of Quebec, Canada. The new plant will be complete with a POLCID proprietary process control system to monitor and control all aspects of the plant and a POLAB laboratory automation system to assure product quality. The plant is scheduled for commissioning in 2016 with full production starting later in that year.
"The McInnis Cement project represents the most technologically advanced and environmentally sound plant of its kind, designed to meet or beat the most stringent requirements of both the Canadian and American environmental agencies," said Mark S Terry, president of the resource technologies division of ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions (USA). "Combined with the extensive experience of both project teams, we have the complete recipe for success for the Port-Daniel-Gascons facility.''
The main components include: a 1800t/hr quarry crushing plant, a raw material reclaim system comprises a bridge reclaimer for limestone and four portal reclaimers for other additives or fuel, a QUADROPOL vertical roller mill for raw grinding and a blending silo for raw meal storage, with a capacity of 10000t. The Polysius kiln line will consist of a five-stage, two-string PREPOL AS-MSC preheater, a 5.2m x 75m POLRO rotary kiln and a POLYTRACK cooler with intermediate roll crusher. Cement grinding will take place in two QUADROPOL vertical roller mills with SEPOL high-efficiency separators. The plant will be rounded off with three cement silos (with a capacity of 120,000t) as well as cement truck and ship loading facilities.