Ceskomoravsky Cement's sales grew to Euro102m in 2014

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Czech Republic: According to CTK Business News, Ceskomoravsky Cement's profit rose by 25% to Euro27.2m in 2014, while its revenues grew by almost Euro3.69m to Euro102m.

Total cement consumption in the Czech Republic grew by nearly 4% to 3.34Mt in 2014, mainly thanks to the revival of the construction sector and favourable weather conditions.

"The value of public contracts increased by 6.7% in 2014, so we can view 2015 with slight optimism," said Ceskomoravsky Cement's board chairman Jan Hrozek.

Ceskomoravsky Cement, part of Germany's HeidelbergCement, supplied its products mainly for the modernisation of the D1 motorway in 2014. Its important projects also included repairs of concrete surfaces at Vaclav Havel Airport Prague.

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