Turkey: Oyak Aslan Çimento has awarded KHD Humboldt Wedag a contract for engineering and delivery of equipment to upgrade its cement grinding line at its plant in Darica-Kocaeli. The installation will be Oyak's seventh KHD roller press at the facility.
The contract to install a new Comflex grinding system will increase the capacity of cement grinding unit no. 1, by more than 100% and save approximately 20% energy. KHD's scope includes the engineering and delivery of mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as advisory supervision of erection and commissioning for the new Comflex SC20-3250. This will be KHD's fourth Comflex grinding unit and 15th roller press system with a V-Separator in Turkey.
The core equipment to be designed and delivered by KHD, as specified in this contract, includes a Comflex SC20-3250 clinker grinding system with:
- Roller Press RPZ 20-170/180 with Rolcox system for control and monitoring
- Cascade separator, type VS 620 as static classifier
- High efficiency separator Sepmaster, type SKS-VC 3250 as dynamic classifier
- System fan HKF 190/280
The new Comflex system will be integrated with the existing ball mill system. However, according to KHD, a primary reason Aslan Çimento chose KHD's Comflex for this project is it's ability to produce finished product without a ball mill unit. The commissioning of the new Comflex system is planned for 2016.