Uruguay: Fancap, the workers union of the Administración Nacional de Combustibles, Alcoholes y Portland (ANCAP), has criticised imports of cement produced in Turkey by Cementos Charrua. It says that these imports have been dumped in the country at lower than the local price of production, negatively impacting the local industry, according to the El Observador newspaper. Cement is allegedly imported from Turkey and then it is repackaged in bags with the Uruguayan brand for resale. Fancap has asked the government to reassess tariffs for cement imports. It says that these imports are affecting operations at both ANCAP and Cementos Artigas.
CORRECTION: This story originally mentioned Turkey's Çimsa Çimento in relation to Cementos Charrua. Çimsa says it has never been involved in any commercial cooperation with this company in Uruguay.