Displaying items by tag: GCW358
Mozambique: The Mozambican customs service has defended the seizure of a 1440t import consignment of cement from South Africa in early June 2018. Fernando Tinga, the press attaché of the National Customs Directorate, said that the seizure of the cement was because the importing company Kawena did not present the legally required documentation at the time, according to the Noticias newspaper. Kawena has defended its actions saying that it has imported cement from South Africa for ‘many years’ and that its goods belonging to Mozambican migrant workers living in South Africa are exempt from taxes. However, it admitted that it did not have the correct documentation for the consignment.
Pakistan: Germany’s Aumund Fördertechnik is supplying equipment for a new 8000t/day production line that Flying Cement is building at its Mangowal plant in Punjab Province. Aumund is providing bucket elevators, pan conveyors and silo discharge gates for the project.
One belt bucket elevator will feed raw meal to the silo. It is designed with a centre distance of 87.6m and will reach a capacity of around 650t/hr. The other belt bucket elevator will also have a capacity of 650t/hr. Its centre distance is 115m and it will take raw meal to the heat exchanger. Flying Cement will use an Aumund KZB 1200/400 pan conveyor to transport clinker to the main silo. This conveyor will be approximately 115m long, with a lift of 43.5m, and a capacity of up to 580t/hr. The off-spec silo will be served by an Aumund KZB 1200/400 pan conveyor which is 42m long and has a capacity of 580t/hr. The order also includes 13 silo discharge gates.
The bucket elevators will be dispatched to Pakistan at the beginning of August 2018 and the pan conveyors will be supplied in a second consignment at the end the year.