Displaying items by tag: FICEM
Colombia: Federación Interamericana del Cemento (FICEM) and the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) have announced their next steps to accelerate the decarbonisation of cement production in Latin America and the Caribbean. The partners have named Colombia as the region’s first Net Zero Accelerator host country. The initiative works to identify barriers to decarbonisation and to recommend policy changes to make an immediate impact. Along with fellow Net Zero Accelerator host countries Egypt, India and Thailand, Colombia brings the total coverage of the initiative to 10% of global cement capacity.
GCCA chief executive officer Thomas Guillot said “The urgency of addressing climate change becomes clearer every day. Last year, our industry made a breakthrough Net Zero global commitment to reduce our carbon footprint, and we are now driving action in Latin America to make real change in one of the regions predicted to use the most concrete and cement in the coming decades. Our Roadmap Accelerator programme, previewed today by our members and affiliate (FICEM) at Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week, highlights the tailored policies and tools we will use to ensure that Net Zero concrete and cement is achieved by 2050.”
The effects of CO2 regulation on cement production
04 September 2019Forgive the poor image quality but our magazine editor Peter Edwards spotted this provocative graphic (above) at the Federación Interamericana del Cemento (FICEM) technical congress that is taking place in the Dominican Republic this week. It came from a presentation given by Yassine Touahri from On Field Investment Research. The reason this slide raises eyebrows is because it seems to inversely link CO2 emission regulations with cement grinding capacity growth.
One would expect integrated or clinker production capacity addition to decline in the face of various carbon taxes because the majority of emissions in cement production are process emissions. Yet this graphic suggests that it goes further by affecting the supply of clinker in these regions. If correct then it supports the argument that introducing carbon taxes forces related capacity investment to go elsewhere. In other words, if governments try to control industrial CO2 emissions, then the market will follow the path of least resistance. The world has a clinker production capacity surplus and the countries with no CO2 regulations are scooping it up.
The counter argument is that capacity growth and CO2 legislation is unrelated. The regions with flat or falling grinding capacity additions are the places were this trend is occurring anyway for other reasons. These areas have built their houses and infrastructure and so one would expect no or low capacity growth. In this environment it is easier to introduce CO2 laws because, rightly or wrongly, it is perceived to be less important to the overall economy. Meanwhile, outside of these zones national economies are growing: they want to build things and new grinding plants to take advantage of a global glut of clinker are helping them to do this.
Other issues with this graphic are the widely different reasons for low cement grinding capacity growth in the areas with CO2 legislation. Europe, for example, has endured the European Union (EU) Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for over a decade and it has seen growth in the slag-cement grinding model in some countries in recent years. General trends have also seen a considerable drop in production capacity in Southern Mediterranean countries as their export markets decline. China is actively trying to manage a reduction in production capacity following a period of unparalleled growth. CO2 legislation is one potential means to do this.
The next step here would be to model the effect of a carbon tax on a developing market, which is genuinely growing its cement consumption, compared to a more mature one. This might help to answer whether economic development can be untangled from carbon emissions. CO2 regulations are undoubtedly distorting cement markets though. Touahri is right when he says that, “CO2 management will be the key challenge for the cement industry in the 21st century.” Once it is given a value then it changes the nature of the business.
There will be a full review of the FICEM technical congress 2019 in a future issue of Global Cement Magazine
UK: Cement companies from Asia and North America are the latest to join the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), bringing the total number of member companies to 20. News members include Mexico’s Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC), Israel’s Nesher Israel Cement, India’s Shree Cement and Taiwan’s Taiwan Cement Corporation. The number of GCCA affiliates is also growing with the addition of the Cámara Nacional del Cemento in Mexico the Federación Interamericana del Cemento (FICEM) in Colombia and the Union of Cement Producers – Soyuzcement in Russia.
GCCA members now include: Buzzi Unicem, Cementos Argos, Cementos Pacasmayo, Cemex, Çimsa Çimento, CNBM, CRH, Dangote Cement, Eurocement, GCC, HeidelbergCement, LafargeHolcim, Nesher Israel Cement, SCG Cement, Shree Cement Ltd, Taiheiyo Cement, Taiwan Cement Corporation, Titan Cement, UltraTech Cement and Votorantim.
The association added that further applications for membership and affiliate status have been received and are being processed.
Buzzi bags a Brazilian bargain… and beyond
12 September 2018The Federación Interamericana del Cemento (FICEM) held its 2018 technical congress in Panama City last week and was attended by Global Cement. We’ll run a full write-up of the event in the October 2018 issue of Global Cement Magazine. The short version is that the conference was technically good but, from our perspective, it could have done with more regional analysis. Given that the event is for the local industry this is not a big issue as most of the delegates will know their own markets inside out and many were happy to discuss just this when asked. Likewise, FICEM’s in-house publication also included plenty of local data.
The nearest the presentations came to this was a global overview of the cement industry by Arnaud Pinatel of On Field Investment Research ahead of a market report the analysts are about to release. Although it covered the global cement industry the key local news was that the Latin American sector’s production capacity had grown by 3% from 2010 to 2018 but that prices had fallen in this time. The forecast suggested that cement sales volumes were expected to grow by 3% in 2019 - supported by Brazil, Peru and Bolivia - but that prices were also expected to fall by 1%, mainly due to issues in Argentina.
That last point is especially interesting over the last week because the Argentine cement body, the Asociación de Fabricantes de Cemento Portland (AFCP), released its figures last week to reveal that cement despatches rose by 4.2% year-on-year for the first eight months of 2018. However, at the same time the general news broke that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was providing an emergency loan to support the country’s economy. The government was keen to shore up confidence in the economy and attributed the growth in the cement sector to the ‘most ambitious infrastructure plan in history.’
Only last year in 2017 the industry was riding a construction boom with cement shortages, new production capacity announced and the initial public offering of Loma Negra. Bailouts from the IMF don’t fit this picture of the poster boy for the South American construction industry. And, if a financial correction is pending, the new capacity that has been ordered may arrive at a bad time. This is a pretty worrying situation.
Meanwhile, across the Uruguay River into Brazil something long expected and hopefully more encouraging has occurred: the acquisition of cement plants. Italy’s Buzzi Unicem revealed that it had struck a deal to buy a 50% stake in the Brazilian company BCPAR from Grupo Ricardo Brennand for Euro150m. The arrangements cover two integrated plants: one 2.4Mt/yr unit at Sete Lagoas in Minas Gerais and a 1.7Mt/yr unit at Pitimbu in Paraíba. Buzzi has also added an option to buy the other half of the business until 2025.
It’s hard to place a value on the sale, but it looks as if Buzzi has picked up the capacity for just under US$100/t, subject to future variation on how well the company does. At that price though this a low figure and a bargain for Buzzi. Given the pain the Brazilian cement industry had been through in recent years some form of traction is welcome. Unfortunately, Grupo Ricardo Brennand has surely lost money on the deal given that the two plants were commissioned in 2011 and 2015 respectively. The complexity of the financial arrangements suggest that Ricardo Brennand is fighting to stay in the game if and when the recovery comes. If Buzzi has moved in then this suggests that it thinks it will make their money back and that it reckons that the bottom of the construction industry trough has been reached. A Brazilian take on this situation would be fascinating.
With these kinds of events happening the same week as the FICEM technical congress it really shows how vibrant and varied the region’s cement industry is. Next year’s conference will surely be even more interesting as market events in Brazil, Argentina and other countries develop.
Alejandro Ramírez Cantú appointed president of FICEM
06 September 2017Guatemala: The Inter-American Cement Federation (FICEM) has appointed Alejandro Ramírez Cantú, the chief executive of Cemex in the Dominican Republic, as its new president for the period 2017 – 2020 at its technical congress. He succeeds Gabriel Restrepo, manager of Institutional Affairs at Cementos Argos, in the role, according to the 7 Dias newspaper.
Ramírez Cantú is an industrial and systems engineer trained at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico and he holds a Master's Degree in business administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He joined Cemex in 2000 and he has directed operations in Thailand, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.