Displaying items by tag: Dangote Cement
Dangote Cement publishes 2021 nine-month results
02 November 2021Nigeria: Dangote Cement increased its consolidated sales by 34% year-on-year to US$2.48bn in the first nine months of 2021 from US$1.84bn in the first nine months of 2020. Its earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) rose by 45% to US$1.25bn from US$860m.
Group cement volumes were 22.2Mt, up by 15% from 19.2Mt. Nigerian volumes rose by 19% to 14.1Mt from 11.9Mt, while Pan-African volumes rose by 9.4% to 8.16Mt from 7.47Mt.
Chief executive officer Michel Puchercos said “We are pleased to report a solid set of the results for the first nine months of 2021. Given the strong rebound in the third quarter of 2020 following the impact of Covid-19 in the first half of the year, volumes in the third quarter of 2021 were slightly lower year-on-year, as anticipated, though worsened by heavier rains. However, the overall growth trend continues, supported by our ability to meet the strong market demand across all our countries of operation. The economic performance and efficiency initiatives across the group, enabled the offsetting of inflationary pressures on some of our cost lines.” He added “Dangote Cement has exceeded its 2020 full-year results in the first nine months of 2021, with year-on-year EBITDA growth trending at 45%, more than double its 21% growth in the first nine months of 2020. Despite operating in a complex, challenging, and fast-moving environment, Dangote Cement is consistently delivering superior profitability and returns to the shareholders.”
HeidelbergCement expands in Tanzania
27 October 2021Interesting move from HeidelbergCement this week with the news that it has agreed to buy a cement plant in Tanzania. The Germany-based multinational producer has signed a deal to buy a 68% stake in Tanga Cement from South Africa-based AfriSam. There has been no indication of the price but the arrangement will give HeidelbergCement a 1.3Mt/yr integrated plant in the north of the country along with a limestone quarry with reserves to last 30 years. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2022. HeidelbergCement says it then hopes to buy the remaining shares in the company.
HeidelbergCement already operates one integrated plant in Tanzania, Tanzania Portland Cement’s (TPC) Wazo Hill Plant in the capital Dar es Salaam. It took control of the plant in the early 2000s when its subsidiary Scancem International purchased over half of the company’s shares. The plant commissioned a new cement mill in 2014 to increase its production capacity to 2Mt/yr. Local press reported in April 2021 that the subsidiary planned to invest US$15m towards modernising the unit in 2021. It sells cement under the Twiga brand.
Tanga Cement runs a plant near Tanga that was originally commissioned in 1980. Holcim took it over in the mid-1990s before South-Africa based AfriSam assumed control in the early 2010s. The plant commissioned a second production line in 2016 and it has a production capacity of 1.3Mt/yr. It sells cement under the Simba brand.
HeidelbergCement’s decision to buy a plant in Tanzania is noteworthy because it goes against the general trend in acquisitions by western-based multinational cement companies in recent years. Instead of shrinking away from markets in developing economies and doubling-down on ‘safe havens’ in mature markets it has bought a plant in a developing country. Although one might argue that it does fit the definition of a well-chosen bolt-on acquisition.
Graph 1: Cement production in Tanzania, 2011 – 2020. Source: Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics.
As Graph 1 above shows, cement production in Tanzania has more than doubled over the last decade, from 2.4Mt in 2011 to 6.5Mt in 2020. Tanzania Portland Cement estimated local demand at 5.9Mt, including exports, in 2020. This was against a total cement production capacity, from both integrated and grinding plants, of 11Mt/yr. As well as the TPC and Tanga Cement plants mentioned above, Holcim runs an integrated plant in Mbeya and Huaxin Cement operates one near Tanga. Alongside this, new integrated plants have opened including Lake Cement’s 0.5Mt/yr Kimbiji plant in 2014 and Dangote Cement’s 3Mt/yr Mtwara plant in 2015. The big project on the horizon is a proposed 7Mt/yr integrated plant from China-based CNBM/Sinoma, although not much has been heard publicly about it since mid-2020. At that time local press was reporting that compensation was being finalised for residents of the proposed site near Tanga. Needless to say, given the size of the plant compared to the Tanzanian cement market, much of the plant’s output is intended for export.
With the CNBM plant in mind, it is noteworthy that HeidelbergCement committed to buying an extra plant in the country. Production has been going up over the last decade to presumably meet demand but the new Chinese project could potentially blot out the entire existing production. Tanzania faced a cement shortage at the end of 2020 despite coronavirus. TPC has repeatedly warned of production overcapacity in Tanzania and the challenges of competition. Yet it reported a new sales record in 2020 and growth of 7% in the national cement market. Despite a 5Mt overcapacity, TPC says it managed to adapt to the new market conditions. It also managed to grow its operating profit by 20% year-on-year to around US$46m in 2020 compared to HeidelbergCement Group’s 8% rise in results from current operations in 2020. This kind of return no doubt helped HeidelbergCement to make up its mind.
South Africa: Sephaku Cement has reported a second unexpected kiln stoppage at its integrated Aganang plant in Lichtenburg. It attributed the second delay on the need for a repair to the inside of the kiln. The second stoppage started on 16 October 2021 and was expected to be completed by 26 October 2021. Previously, the kiln was stopped from 30 September 2021 to 6 October 2021 due to preheater refractory material damage caused by a corrosive element in one of the raw materials being used. The producer said that the raw material was subsequently replaced with an alternative option. The subsidiary of Nigeria-based Dangote Cement said that the outages were expected to reduce its sales volumes.
Philip Mathew appointed as deputy head of Dangote Cement
22 September 2021Nigeria: Dangote Cement has appointed Philip Mathew as its deputy group managing director and chief executive officer with effect from 15 September 2021.
Following his training at the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, Matthew has worked for cement companies since the mid-1980s when he started out as a process engineer for ACC. He later worked for Lafarge in a number of roles and countries, eventually becoming its Director - Performance and Progress for Asia based in Kuala Lumpur in the early 2010s. He held the post of Chief Manufacturing Officer for ACC in India from 2016 to 2019 before becoming LafargeHolcim’s Head of Cement Excellence Manufacturing for the Asia-Pacific region subsequently.
Half-year cement producers update
04 August 2021The story so far for the first half of 2021 has been one of recovery following the coronavirus-related lockdowns in the same period in 2020. Market restrictions ended, production curbs were rescinded and revenue and sales volumes grew.
Many of the larger multinational cement producers have released their financial results and sales revenues show a gap-tooth pattern for the first halves of 2019, 2020 and 2021. Sales for LafargeHolcim, HeidelbergCement and Cemex all took a knock of around 10% from 2019 to 2020. Generally, sales have increased from 2019 to 2021 for the more regional-based companies such as Cemex or Buzzi Unicem. The larger multinational producers like Holcim and HeidelbergCement bounced back from the dip in 2020 but comparisons with the first half of 2019 are less favourable. Like-for-like comparisons between 2019 and 2021 are not available but both companies have been refocusing their portfolios in recent years making it hard to gain a sense of exactly what’s going on. These trends are still ongoing with more speculation in the press this week about which companies are bidding for LafargeHolcim Brasil for example. However, both Holcim and HeidelbergCement did report record earnings or operating incomes in the first half of 2021 suggesting that all the cost cutting in 2020 has paid off. The general market picture was continuing demand in North America, recovery in Europe and Latin America, growth in Africa and the Middle East and growth in Asia despite renewed coronavirus-related uncertainty.
Figure 1: Sales of selected major multinational cement producers in first half of 2021. Source: Company financial reports.
Figure 2: Cement sales volumes of selected major multinational cement producers in first half of 2021. Source: Company financial reports.
Cemex and Buzzi Unicem benefitted from their strong market presences in the Americas and Europe. Cemex was also helped by a particular recovery in Mexico and Latin America. The latter region benefited from the relaxation of strong lockdown measures in many countries implemented in the first half of 2020. Cemex’s investors update event at the end of June 2021 summed up its situation with earnings growth and leverage levels about to hit desired targets, selective investments and divestments on the way, new production capacity round the corner and sustainability goals turning up earlier than expected.
In Africa, Dangote Cement witnessed a switch from growth outside of Nigeria to a spurt of domestic demand for cement from mid-2020 onwards. This temporarily caused the company problems earlier in 2021 when it was forced to suspend its newly started export operations to Cameroon from its Onne and Apapa terminals. The reactivation of its previously mothballed 4.5Mt/yr Gboko plant in Benue State and an upcoming 3Mt/yr plant at Okpella in Edo state seem to have soothed the demand rush for now. Clinker exports have been resumed.
India meanwhile faced a second wave of its coronavirus epidemic in the spring of 2021. UltraTech Cement acknowledged this in its latest financial results, for the quarter to 30 June 2021. It reported that this had ‘marginally’ impacted cement demand but that the company was still monitoring the impact of the health situation upon its operations. Despite this, revenue and sales volumes of cement still grew significantly year-on-year in both the quarter and the first half of 2021. UltraTech Cement’s wariness about the health situation chimed with recent comments by Roongrote Rangsiyopash, the head of Siam Cement Group (SCG), who told local press in Thailand that current coronavirus restrictions in the country had reduced cement demand by 20%.
Finally, Semen Indonesia reported growing revenue, sales volumes of cement and earnings in the first half of 2021. Its financial results had little to say about the local coronavirus situation other than that it had reduced domestic demand growth and worsened production overcapacity. National cement production reached 115Mt in 2020 but local demand was only 62.7Mt. Unsurprisingly, exports reached their highest level ever, at 9.3Mt, in 2020.
As ever this is a very selective view of cement producer financial results. Larger multinationals like CRH or Votorantim are yet to release their results and likewise for the big Chinese producers. Recovery and growth seems to be the likely outcome for most of them though. However, the effects of recent coronavirus outbreaks in Asia have shown up in some of the results covered above. This suggests that the second half of 2021 for building materials manufacturers may be characterised by which countries are better able to suppress coronavirus either through mass vaccination or other public health measures. Buzzi Unicem summed it up it in its half year results: “The rapid progress of vaccination campaigns was matched by a clear recovery in economic activity.”
Nigeria: Dangote Cement says it has resumed exporting clinker from its Onne and Apapa terminals to Cameroon. Two ships delivered 57,000t of clinker and 0.34Mt of clinker was exported by road in the first half of 2021. The cement producer started exports in 2021 but was forced to suspend them in April 2021 following high demand for cement domestically.
The group’s revenue grew by 44.8% to US$1.68bn in the first half of 2021 from US$1.16bn in the same period in 2020. Cement sales volumes rose by 26.1% to 15.3Mt from 12.1Mt. Its earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 61% to US$853m from US$530m. In Nigeria cement demand was attributed to increasing housing infrastructure, commercial construction and government projects including roads and railways. Outside of Nigeria, strong performance was noted in the Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Senegal and Tanzania.
“This strong intrinsic performance is magnified by the lower second quarter results in 2020 due to the effect of Covid-19. The growth trend continues and we are focused on meeting the strong market demand across all our countries of operation,” said chief executive officer Michel Puchercos. He added that the group restarted clinker exports from Nigeria in the second quarter of 2021 following a ‘strategic decision’ to pause them in response to high demand domestically. The cement producer intends to commission its new 3Mt/yr Okpella plant in the third quarter of 2021. He also said that the company’s ongoing alternative fuels project is at an ‘advanced stage’ with procurement and installation of equipment occurring at all plants.
Low carbon cements go global
28 July 2021Holcim has started to unify its low carbon cement product range this week with the launch of its ECOPlanet label globally. The products are already available in Germany, Romania, Canada, Switzerland, Spain, France and Italy. The plan is to extend this to 15 countries by the end of 2021 and then to double its ‘market presence’ by the end of 2022.
The headline news is that the range will include what Holcim says is the world’s first cement product with 20% recycled construction and demolition waste. This appears to be an improvement on the group’s Susteno cement products that use fine fractions from concrete and demolition waste. This product is currently sold in Switzerland where it is advertised as saving 10% of CO2 emissions compared to a standard cement product. Both Holcim and HeidelbergCement already sell concrete products that use the coarse waste from building demolition. Other than this, Holcim says that the range will also include cements that contain calcined clay. In June 2021 subsidiary Lafarge France announced that it would produce a cement product under the ECOPlanet banner using kaolin clay with its proprietary ProximA Tech process at its integrated La Malle cement plant in Bouc-Bel-Air.
We will have to wait and see how far Holcim goes in standardisng the range between different countries. Yet, judging from what the countries that are already selling ECOPlanet are doing, it looks like it will be a variety of blended cements. At present, for example, Holcim Germany offers four products in the ECOPlanet range. These are all slag cements, with three having effective CO2 reductions of up to 70% and the fourth, ECOPlanet Zero, reaching 100% through a carbon offsetting scheme in conjunction with MoorFutures. Holcim Italy also launched a product in the range called ECOPlanet Prime using calcined clay in June 2021.
Incidentally, LafargeHolcim US announced a research project this week with the US Army about using demolition waste. It’s going to start working with the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Engineer Research and Development Center and Geocycle to look at how construction and demolition materials from military installations can be used for energy recovery and mineral recycling. Group resources at Geocycle’s Holly Hill Research Center in South Carolina, US and Holcim’s Global Innovation Center in Lyon, France will be used in the scheme.
Other low carbon cement products are available of course. Holcim is far from alone in launching low CO2 cement and concrete products. Yet the use of worldwide brand names is different. Cemex is doing something similar with the global rollout of its Vertua concrete products. It first launched Vertua in France in 2018 before going global in 2020. Holcim started to launch ECOPact Concrete in 2019. Now, Holcim has gone further by doing the same thing with cement. Given how localised cement and concrete products are, it will be instructive to see how global branding for low carbon cementitious products helps these companies. For instance, who is the target audience? It could be eco-minded self-build customers or project specifiers or government departments or industry lobbyists. Or perhaps it is simply another marketing channel to reinforce the sector’s sustainable offerings.
The other point worth considering is when will the multinational cement producers start selling sustainable cements and concretes in less rich parts of the world? While Holcim was playing with blended cements and marketing this week, Dangote Cement said that it was ready to start commissioning its new 6Mt/yr integrated plant at Okpella, Edo State in Nigeria. Another 5Mt/yr plant is also on the way in the country from Madugu Cement. It has just signed a contract for China-based Sinoma International Engineering Company to build it. When Holcim and the other cement companies start selling low carbon cements in places like Nigeria then the rise of these products will be complete.
Nigeria: Dangote Cement says that its new 6Mt/yr cement plant at Okpella in Edo state is ready to enter cement production. The Daily Independent newspaper has reported that group invested US$1bn in the plant. China-based Sinoma International Engineering Company supplied engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services. When commissioned, the plant will employ 6000 people, according to the owner.
Dangote Cement is in the process of establishing a further 6Mt/yr cement plant at Itori in Ogun state. The launch of both plants will give the producer an active cement capacity of 41.3Mt/yr. The company says that its aim is to increase the uptake of cement in Nigeria. It said, “We still need to do more to make the cement get to the poorest of the poor.”
Tanzania: The High Court of Tanzania has ordered G4S Secure Solution to pay Dangote Industries Tanzania US$0.33m for theft and loss of property. In 2018 the security company attempted to sue the subsidiary of Nigeria-based Dangote Cement was for failing to pay for its services, according to the East African newspaper. However, Dangote Cement raised a counterclaim in response due to multiple thefts that it blamed on poor security services.
Dangote Cement completes US$734,000 bond issuance
17 June 2021Nigeria: Dangote Cement has successfully issued 50bn fixed rate senior unsecured bonds. The total value of the multi-instrument issuance programme is US$734,000. The proceeds of the bond issuance will be used to pay for expansion projects, short-term debt refinancing and working capital requirements.