Displaying items by tag: public health
Ghana: The Ministry of Health has responded to criticism from the Chamber of Cement Manufacturers (COCMAG) about disinfection measures being used at ports. It said that it was being used to on the exterior of imported goods and cargo to control or kill infectious agents. It added that the procedure was being implemented on any vehicle that crossed designated biosecurity zones without exception.
“It is obvious that COCMAG, of which you are the executive secretary, does not have much information about the disinfection health service, its applications and the benefits of such a service,” said the ministry in a statement in response to comments in the local press by COCMAG’s leader George Dawson-Ahmoah. It added that the fee for the service was to protect the local economy from the effects of diseases such as Ebola and Covid-19 and that sea ports were, “one of the most infected areas in the country.”
COCMAG has lobbied the government to scrap the disinfection or fumigation levy on cement imports at the country’s ports. It argues that such measures are unnecessary for dry cargo such as clinker, limestone, and other cement raw materials, according to the Ghana News Agency. The levy adds a reported US$0.50/t of cement.
European Roadmap Towards Lifting COVID-19 Containment Measures gives hope to cement producers
23 April 2020EU: The European Council and European Commission have published their joint coronavirus exit strategy, entitled ‘European Roadmap Towards Lifting COVID-19 Containment Measures.’ It advises EU member states on a course of action aimed at restoring community life and the economy, while also preserving public health, after the coronavirus outbreak.
The roadmap consists of a progressive lifting of travel restrictions, initially between border regions, then between regions less affected by the outbreak and subsequently across internal and external borders of the EU. The strategy applies a similar approach to restarting the economy, beginning with ‘essential sectors’ such as construction. The Commission will maintain a rapid alert system for supply chain disruptions, with the help of existing networks such as the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Clusters, Chambers of Commerce and trade associations.