Botswana: PPC Botswana has taken up a slogan of the Botswana government in encouraging Botswanans to “Buy Botswana” in order to reduce their import bills and utilise local suppliers post-coronavirus lockdown. The Sunday Standard newspaper has reported that, after the economy shrank by 13% since the start of the coronavirus lockdown, PPC announced that it would “continue engaging with more stakeholders on the road to economic recovery.” Regarding the possibility of layoffs in the company, PPC Botswana managing director Tuelo Bolthole said, “The situation is still very fluid, therefore it is difficult to tell whether it will reach that point. We however believe that our workforce is an important asset.” The company is currently producing cement at 100% of its capacity in anticipation of pent-up demand.

PPC Botswana urges customers to “Buy Botswana”
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