Portugal: Cimpor has announced plans for the establishment of 1MW solar power plants at each of its three cement plants in Portugal. The Dinheiro Vivo newspaper has reported that the measure comes under a planned Euro130m investment package in upgrades to its cement operations before 2030. The plans include the expansion of the solar power plants to a total capacity of 10MW by 2025. Additionally, the producer will install two waste heat recovery (WHR) plants with a combined capacity of 8MW at its Alhandra and Souselas cement plants. The company is aiming to reduce its indirect CO2 emissions by 30%. It also has an alternative fuel (AF) substitution rate target of 70% by 2030 - compared to 3% in 2020, when it used 150,000t of AF.
Cimpor has previously invested a total of Euro7.2m in dedicated sustainability-related measures.