Displaying items by tag: Pfeiffer
Bolivia: Itacamba Cemento SA has awarded its new raw material grinding solution to Gebr. Pfeiffer Inc, a subsidiary of Gebr. Pfeiffer SE. The company's new 2000t/day capacity cement plant will be located in the municipality of Yacuces, Germán Busch Province.
Gebr. Pfeiffer will supply the raw material grinding system, using an MPS 3750 B mill as its key component. Raw material output will be 210t/hr with a fineness of 14% residue on 90µ. The project scope includes a rotary lock DSZ 1400 R, a raw mill MPS 3750 B, a classifier SLS 3150 B, cyclones AZZ 500 and related engineering and spare parts. Delivery to the Yacuces Plant is scheduled for the second quarter of 2015.
Titan Cement orders Gebr. Pfeiffer coal mill for Beni Suef plant
28 November 2014Egypt: Titan Cement has ordered a vertical roller mill of the type MPS 2800 BK from Gebr. Pfeiffer SE, to be set up in production line no. 1 at its Beni Suef plant. The mill is designed for a finished product rate of 40t/hr and will grind coal with a Hardgrove grindability index of 45 to a product fineness of 12% residue 90µm, while simultaneously drying it from a maximum 12% feed moisture to a maximum 1% residual moisture by using hot gases from the cement process.
Wonder Cement plans expansion
01 October 2014India: Wonder Cement Limited is planning to expand the capacity of its cement plant at Tehsil Nimbahera in Chittorgarh district of Rajasthan. The company has placed an order with Gebr. Pfeiffer for raw meals and coal mills.
Wonder Cement orders further MPS mills from Gebr. Pfeiffer
14 August 2014India: Wonder Cement, based in Rajasthan, India has placed another order with Germany's Gebr. Pfeiffer SE for the supply of raw meal and coal mills to India. The order was awarded to Gebr. Pfeiffer following positive experiences with identical mills that already operate at Wonder Cement's plant.
Active in the lime and cement industries Wonder Cement is planning to extend its cement plant in Tehsil Nimbahera in the Chittorgarh District. A rotary kiln with a capacity of an approximate 8500t/day will be supplied by the raw mill and coal mill ordered from Gebr. Pfeiffer.
The MPS 5600 B to be installed for the production of 605t/hr of raw meal with a fineness of 1.5% residue on the 212µm sieve will be equipped with a 5600kW drive. The coal mill will be produced on an MPS 3070 BK with a capacity of 40t/hr with a product fineness of 2% residue on the 90µm sieve. Due to the high abrasiveness of Indian coal, the mill will be equipped with adapted wear protection
Algeria: Germany's Gebr. Pfeiffer SE has won a contract through the Chinese General Contractor CBMI to supply a MVR 6700 C-6 type cement mill and a MVR 6000 R-6 raw mill, both of which will be installed at the Lafarge cement works situated near the Algerian town of Biskra. The cement mill is the second-largest in the world after a mill supplied by Gebr. Pfeiifer to Holcim's Barosso plant in Brazil.
The cement mill, featuring Gebr. Pfeiffer's MultiDrive® concept with an installed total drive power of 9125kW, will produce 231-342t/hr of OPC ground to a product fineness of 3700-4800cm²/g according to Blaine.
The raw mill, which will come equipped with a conventional drive with an installed power of 6120kW, is designed to grind 680t/hr of cement raw material to a finished product fineness of ≤12% R 90 µm and 460t/hr of limestone to a product fineness of ≤1% R 150µm.
The delivery of the mills is expected in the summer of 2015.
Turkey: Gebr. Pfeiffer SE has received another order from Bolu Cimento Sanayii A.S., Turkey. In addition to the three MPS mills that Bolu Cimento ordered in December 2013 for the Kazan, Ankara Province plant, this order will see Gebr. Pfeiffer supply an MPS 4500 BC mill for the grinding of granulated blast furnace slag, which will be set up at Bolu Province plant. The mill will be identical to the cement mill that will be installed in Kazan.
The mill is designed to reach a throughput rate of 85t/hr of slag, ground to a product fineness of 4500 - 4750cm²/g. Gebr. Pfeiffer's scope will include the core components of the mill and classifier as well as the mill gearbox. The required drawings and parts lists for the local manufacture of housing and steel parts as well as documents for quality control will also be produced and supplied.
The delivery of the mill scheduled to start at the end of 2014 and will have been completed by early 2015.
Germany: Gebr. Pfeiffer has announced new orders for mills in Turkey, Iraq and Malaysia.
In Turkey, Bilim Makina has ordered four mills for a cement plant in Elazig. The order covers an MPS 250 BK roller mill with a drive power of 500kW for coal grinding and two safety shut-off dampers. The mill is designed to yield 35t/hr of petroleum coke, with the material being ground to a fineness of 3.5% R90 µm. A MPS 5000 B mill will be used for cement raw material grinding. The mill featuring a drive power of 3800kW will be capable of producing 470t/h of cement raw material ground to a fineness of 12% R 90µm. Two MPS 5000 BC vertical roller mills will be used for cement grinding. Each of the mills features a drive power of 4400kW and will grind 200t/h of Ordinary Portland Cement with a specific surface of 3400cm2/g acc to blaine. All four mills are scheduled to be delivered in the spring of 2015.
In Iraq, Sinoma Suzhou Construction, acting as general contractor, has ordered two MVR 6000 C-6 cement mills. The two MVR cement mills will come equipped with a conventional drive with an installed power of 6000kW. They will grind various cement qualities to the required fineness degrees between 3600 - 5500cm2/g depending on the product type, achieving capacities of 132 - 210t/hr. The cement mills are scheduled to be delivered at the end of 2014.
In Malaysia, Sinoma subsidiary Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute (TCDRI) has ordered one MPS 2800 BK coal mill for YTL Cement. Featuring an installed power of 700kW, the coal mill will be grinding 35t/hr of a sub-bituminous coal with a total moisture content of 25% to a product fineness of ≤10% R 90µm. The delivery of the mill is scheduled for the end of 2014.
US: Gebr. Pfeiffer Inc., the US subsidiary of Germany's Gebr. Pfeiffer SE, has been contracted to supply a new raw material vertical roller mill for the Holcim (US) Hagerstown plant as part of a wider renovation project. The order was placed through KHD Humboldt Wedag, which is the engineering and equipment supplier for the Hagerstown plant modernisation. KHD has been contracted to modify the existing production line to increase the plant's potential production rate to approximately 2400t/day and to comply with the new NESHAP environmental regulations.
KHD's scope of supply begins with modifying the raw material feed system and continues through to the clinker handling system and storage hall. As part of the solution, a new raw material grinding mill, the MPS 3750 B, along with all related engineering services will be supplied by Gebr. Pfeiffer, Inc. The raw material grinding mill includes a rotary air lock with drive, MPS 3750 B mill, an SLS 3150 B high efficiency classifier and includes Gebr. Pfeiffer's patented 'Lift and Swing' technology.
Commissioning for this project is planned for mid-2016.
India: Gebr. Pfeiffer SE and its Indian subsidiary Gebr. Pfeiffer (India) Pvt. Ltd have won a contract with Kolkata-based Emami Cement Ltd, which includes four of the latest design of the MVR mill and an MPS mill for coal grinding.
Emami Cement, an enterprise of the private Emami Group of companies, is a newcomer to the Indian cement industry. It operates in many fields of the consumer goods sector and the decision to set up a greenfield cement works in Chhattisgarh and various grinding plants in east India was preceded by a detailed analysis of the market situation.
The order covers an MVR 6000 R-6 roller mill with an installed drive power of 6700kW for raw material grinding. The mill is designed to yield 610t/hr of raw meal, with the difficult-to-grind material being ground to a fineness of 15% R 90µm.
Three mills of the type MVR 6000 C-6, which is Gebr. Pfeiffer's current top seller, will be used for cement grinding. Each of the mills features an installed drive power of 6700kW and will be capable of producing 335t/hr of ordinary portland cement (OPC). The grinding plants will also be designed to allow fly ash cement and granulated blast-furnace slag to be ground to a fineness of 3800cm²/g according to Blaine and 4000 cm²/g according to Blaine, respectively.
Emami Cement has selected an MPS 3350 BK vertical roller mill for fuel grinding. It will produce 80t/hr of hard coal ground to a fineness of 15% R 90µm.
While Gebr. Pfeiffer SE will supply the core components of the mills and the gear units from Europe, its Indian subsidiary, Gebr. Pfeiffer (India) Pvt. Ltd, will provide components such as housing of the mills and classifiers, the steel foundation parts as well as the interior parts of the classifiers. In addition, the Indian subsidiary will design the plant layout and advise the customer on the equipment.
This order brings the number of MVR mills sold to the Indian market to 10, increasing the number of MVR mills ordered worldwide to 16.
Gebr. Pfeiffer wins Ravena upgrade contract
10 February 2014US: Lafarge North America has contracted Gebr. Pfeiffer Inc. to supply an MVR vertical roller mill as part of the overall modernisation project underway at the Lafarge Ravena plant located in the Town of Coeymans, New York. The modernisation project will replace the current wet process kiln with a dry line, allowing the plant to cut emissions and also increase its capacity.
A Gebr. Pfeiffer MVR 6000 R-6 will be installed in a complete new line at the plant, replacing two existing raw material mills. The scope of supply will also includes a 5600kW motor, engineering, supply and related services. Commissioning for this project is planned for the middle of 2016.