India: UltraTech Cement says it has beaten its goal of doubling its energy productivity ahead of its deadline. It joined the EP100 initiative in 2018 and agreed to double its energy productivity from the base year of 2010 with the target year of 2035. It has achieved this by investing in energy efficiency measures such as upgrading clinker coolers, implementing variable frequency drives to manage electricity flow, and introducing new waste heat recovery systems. The company says it is focusing on new technologies, changes in product and energy mix, digitisation and carbon pricing. It foresees the digitisation of its energy performance as a key enabler for identifying the best opportunities to save energy.
"UltraTech firmly believes that companies in the building material sector can come together to step up climate action for meeting the global 1.5-degree ambition. Joining like-minded companies in EP100 gave us an opportunity to accelerate and scale-up levers to double energy productivity and also drive the decarbonisation agenda,” said Kailash Jhanwar, the managing director of UltraTech Cement.
EP100 is a global business initiative consisting of a group of companies committed to improving their energy productivity. EP100 is led by the Climate Group, an international non-profit organisation, in partnership with the Alliance to Save Energy.