Afghanistan: The government says that contracts worth US$450m have been concluded for the expansion of three Afghan cement plants to 1.5Mt/yr capacity each. Local companies will carry out the expansions, at the Injil cement plant in Herat and the Shur Andam cement plant in Kandahar, while a Qatar-based company will carry out the Jabal Saraj cement plant in Parwan. TRT World News has reported that the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Petroleum expects Afghanistan to become self-sufficient for cement after the new capacity joins existing capacity at the Jabal Saraj cement plant and the Ghori cement plant in Baghlan. These two plants reportedly produce 330,000t/yr of cement, less than 10% of domestic demand.

Afghan government targets 4.5Mt/yr capacity across Injil, Jabal Saraj and Shur Andam cement plants
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