Germany: Manfred Bracher has resigned from the executive management board of RKW and will leave the company at the end of June 2019 to pursue new professional opportunities. RKW’s chief executive officer (CEO) Harald Biederbick will take over his responsibilities until further notice.
Bracher started his professional career as a project leader at the Austria’s Lenzing Group, followed by 12 years at the Finnish packaging manufacturer Huhtamaki in various positions, including General Manager Films. From 2008 until 2013, he served as managing director at Clopay Europe. He has been a member of the RKW board since January 2014 and leads the Division Hygiene & Industrial. In addition to that, he is also responsible for group operational excellence and purchasing.
RKW Group manufactures film solutions including products for powdery goods and films and non-wovens for the construction sector.