Australia: Adelaide Brighton has appointed Emma Stein as an independent non-executive director. She holds over 30 years’ experience in board and senior executive positions in the building materials, oil and gas, energy and utilities, mining and resources, water and waste management sectors. Before emigrating to Australia, she was the UK Managing Director for Gaz de France Energy. Currently she is director of Alumina, Cleanaway Waste Management and Infigen Energy.
Arlene Tansey has retired from Adelaide Brighton following eight years of service as an independent non-executive director. She worked as the chairman of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee, as a member (and former chairman) of the People and Culture Committee and former chairman of the board’s previous Corporate Governance Committee. Zlatko Todorcevski, deputy chairman and lead independent director, will chair the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee following Tansey’s departure.