Displaying items by tag: Tangshan Jidong
Update on China, September 2024
04 September 2024It won’t be a surprise to most readers that the Chinese cement industry continued to struggle in the first half of 2024. The China Cement Association (CCA) summarised the situation as a "continuous decline in demand, low price fluctuations and continuous losses in the industry." Cement output fell year-on-year and four of the six large cement companies featured in this article reported falls in revenue. The CCA estimated that the sector as a whole lost about US$140m in the first half of the year.
Graph 1: Cement output in China, 2019 to first half of 2024. Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China.
Data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China shows that cement output fell by 13% to 855Mt in the first half of 2024 from 980Mt in the same period in 2023. That’s a fall of more than 100Mt and around the annual cement production capacity of the US! Analysis by the CCA reckons that the first half of 2024 saw the lowest cement production since 2011. It blamed the situation on the failure of the real estate market to stabilise and a slowdown in infrastructure investment. Geographically the areas with the biggest declines were the Northeast, Northwest and Central and South regions. Those provinces with the smallest declines were Tibet, Jiangsu, Yunnan and Hebei. However, the CCA was keen to point out that staggered production, through initiatives such as peak shifting, took place in the second quarter of 2024, the producers’ cement inventory fell and cement prices rallied somewhat in June 2024.
Graph 2: Sales revenue from selected Chinese cement producers. Source: Company financial reports. Note: For CNBM Basic building materials segment revenue shown only.
CNBM says that it is the largest cement producer in the world. However, Anhui Conch appears to have sold more cement and clinker than CNBM did… in the first half of 2024 at least. Anhui Conch sold 126Mt of cement and clinker, a drop of 3% year-on-year, compared to 114Mt by CNBM, a drop of 20%. Anhui Conch’s sales revenue and net profit fell by 30% to US$6.4bn and 48% to US$490m respectively. The sales revenue from CNBM’s Basic Building Materials segment, its division that manufactures cement, deceased by 31% to US$5.73bn. Tangshan Jidong and CRC reported similar situations to their larger peers with declines in revenue and profit.
Huaxin Cement and Taiwan Cement both managed to raise revenue, but this was mostly due to their businesses outside of China. Huaxin Cement increased its operating income by 3% to US$2.3bn, with sales volumes of cement falling at home but growing abroad. Indeed, its domestic operating income fell by 32% to US$716m, a similar rate of decline to the other companies featured here. By comparison, the operating income from its overseas cement business rose by 55% to US$502m. Combined with a boost in aggregate sales volumes, this helped to stabilise the company’s financial performance. Taiwan Cement, meanwhile, completed its acquisition of Cimpor Portugal in March 2024 giving it a majority stake in OYAK’s cement business in Türkiye. Subsequently, its revenue in the second quarter of 2024 shot up year-on-year.
CNBM hit the nail on the head in its half-year report when it said: “The overcapacity has not been fundamentally resolved.” China is a big country with lots of regional variation but when cement plants stopped manufacturing cement in the second quarter of 2024 the price improved. Funny that should happen! The government is slowly making adjustments to the real estate market and other mechanisms, including the China national emissions trading system, are due to be applied to cement plants soon. Yet, until that overcapacity is addressed or unless some market fundamentals change then expect to see more of the same in China in the near future.
Update on China, April 2024
03 April 2024We turn to look at the Chinese cement sector now that the larger China-based cement producers have released their financial results for 2023. In summary, national output of cement has continued to fall and many of the bigger companies are reporting weakening sales and profits. Yet this trend appears to be slowing, with a few of the producers managing to grow revenue, profits and sales volumes.
Graph 1: Cement output in China, 2018 to 2023. Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China.
Data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China shows that cement output fell by 4.5% year-on-year from 2.11Bnt in 2022 to 2.02Bnt in 2023. This is a slower rate of decline than the 10.4% drop reported between 2021 and 2022. However, it is worth noting that the rate of decrease in output on a half-year basis fell strongly in the first half of 2023 but remained similar in the second half of the year. In its commentary, the China Cement Association (CCA) said that the country’s real estate development investment fell by 10% year-on-year to US$1.53tn.
Graph 2: Sales revenue from selected Chinese cement producers. Source: Company financial reports.
Graph 3: Sales volumes of cement and clinker from selected Chinese cement producers. Source: Company financial reports.
Unlike in 2022 the two graphs above show that not every cement producer has lost revenue or sales volumes of cement in 2023. CNBM chair Zhou Yuxian used the phrase ‘storms and challenges’ to describe the situation faced by the world’s largest cement company. He left president Wei Rushan to deliver the bad news that the cement industry as a whole faced “insufficient demand, weakening expectations and weakening off-peak season characteristics” along with surpluses and high costs. He said that the cement sector in China saw its profit fall by 50% to US$4.42bn in 2023, its lowest figure since the mid-2000s.
In comparison CNBM Group’s revenue fell by 10% year-on-year to US$29bn and profit by 52% to US$534m. This was principally due to losses from the group’s basic building materials division, the section that makes heavy building materials, including cement. Alongside this, it pushed on with its supply-side structural reforms, implemented staggered peak production and worked on sustainability initiatives. These included preparations for the national carbon emissions trading scheme. Anhui Conch’s results showed that it managed to increase its revenue but its sales volumes of cement dropped and its profits fell by 33% to US$1.48bn. It achieved the boost in revenue by growing its trading business.
Of the smaller companies covered here, only Huaxin Cement managed to grow its revenue in 2023. It appeared to pull this off by growing its concrete and aggregate business domestically whilst growing the business overseas at the same time. The share of its international business grew to 16% in 2023 from 13% in 2022. Major overseas acquisitions in 2023 included Oman Cement and InterCement’s subsidiaries in Mozambique and South Africa. More recently Huaxin Cement has also been reported by local media as the preferential bidder for InterCement’s business in Brazil, although no formal announcement has been made. Of the rest, Tangshan Jidong Cement, CRBMT and China Tianrui all reported declines in sales revenue and profits. Tangshan Jidong Cement did manage to grow its cement sales volumes, but reported heightened competition in the north and north-east of China where most of its plants are located.
With the first quarter results for 2024 on the way soon, the CCA has been bracing itself and the sector for more bad news. It noted that national cement prices during the last week of March 2024 were about 1% lower than during the same week in 2023. Prices were lower in East, Central and South China, although they had increased in Chengdu and Sichuan. The CCA is worried that a price war, either nationally or regionally, will make a bad situation worse. It has called on cement producers to accept that the slowdown of infrastructure development in the country has led to a decline in cement demand and that this is the new normal. Apart from the usual watchwords of ‘self-discipline,’ ‘overcapacity reduction’ and ‘supply-side reforms’ the association has suggested that cement companies look for growth internationally and look to the leadership of associations to help everyone adapt to the new market situation. China’s sales output of cement may be starting to stabilise, but the market has a way to go yet to adapt to the new reality.
Kong Qinghui appointed as chair of Tangshan Jidong Cement
28 February 2024China: Tangshan Jidong Cement has appointed Kong Qinghui as its chair. Other appointments include Liu Yu as vice chairman and general manager, Yang Beifang as financial director, Liu Sumin as chief digital officer, and Li Jianfang as general counsel.
Kong Qinghui is a graduate in accounting and he holds a master’s degree in engineering from the Chongqing University of Technology. He started his professional career in 1995 working for Baby-Joy Group in Yantai, before becoming the vice general manager at the logistics headquarters of Tangshan Jidong Cement. Further marketing and management roles followed at various subsidiaries of Tangshan Jidong Cement before Qinghui was appointed as the cement producer’s vice general manager in 2017. From 2020 to mid-2023 he was the general manager assistant of the company and then he became its deputy general manager.
Tangshan Jidong Cement’s sales fall in first nine months of 2023
30 October 2023China: Tangshan Jidong Cement recorded US$3.05bn in sales during the first nine months of 2023, down by 18% year-on-year from US$3.74bn during the first nine months of 2022. Its nine-month net loss was US$44m, against a profit of US$223m one year previously.
China: Tangshan Jidong Cement and Xinjiang Tianshan Cement have announced the planned launch of a new joint venture in the cement industry. Reuters News has reported that the new cement producer will have registered capital of US$129m.
Tangshan Jidong Cement and Xinjiang Tianshan Cements' headquarters lie 3000km apart, in Beijing, Hebei Province, and Ürümqi, Xinjiang Province, respectively.
China: Tangshan Jidong Cement’s operating income rose by 3% year-on-year to US$2.44bn in the first half of 2022 from US$2.36bn in the same period in 2021. However, its net profit fell by 7% to US$165m from US$178m. Its sales volumes of cement and clinker dropped by 20% to 38.4Mt from 48Mt. It has a reported clinker and cement production capacity of 110Mt/yr and 176Mt/yr respectively. The cement producer said that demand for cement was weak, especially in April and May 2022, with no seasonal rebound. It blamed its falling profits on geopolitics, coronavirus and a downturn in the real estate sector.
Tangshan Jidong Cement to issue US$148m in bonds
22 July 2022China: Tangshan Jidong Cement plans to raise US$148m through an issuance of bonds. Reuters News has reported that the producer will use some of the funds to repay its debts, and the remainder to replenish its capital.
China: Tangshan Jidong Cement expects to record a 3.9 - 12% drop in its net profit in the first half of 2022. This would result in a figure of US$157 - 171m, compared to US$178m a year earlier.
China: Tangshan Jidong Cement plans to launch a share buyback scheme by mid-2023. Reuters News has reported the value of the planned scheme as US$39.9 - 55.8m.
China Resources Cement’s profit drops in 2021
21 March 2022China: China Resources Cement’s profit was US$993m in 2021, down by 13% year-on-year from 2020 levels. Its cost of sales grew by 22% to US$3.81bn from US$3.12bn. The group noted that the average cost of coal increased by 54% in 2021. It also pointed out that infrastructure investment growth slowed down in 2021. The company increased its turnover for the year by 9.7% to US$5.62bn. Sales volumes of cement and clinker fell by 7% to 81.3Mt and 7% to 3.3Mt respectively. Concrete sales volumes grew by 11% to 14.8Mm3.
During 2021 the group started construction of a second clinker production line and two cement grinding lines at its plant in Wuxuan, Guangxi. Once the upgrades are completed the plant will have a total cement and clinker capacities of 2.4Mt/yr and 1.4Mt/yr respectively. The group also acquired a 51% stake in Hunan Liangtian Cement in January 2022 to enter into the market in Chenzhou, Hunan. This company has cement and clinker production capacities of 1.6Mt/yr and 2Mt/yr respectively. An ongoing upgrade will increase the cement production capacity of 2.1Mt/yr. In March 2022 it sold its 72% stake in Shanxi China Resources Fulong Cement to Tangshan Jidong Cement to enable it to leave the northern market.
China Resources Cement has also been growing its co-processing capabilities in 2021. At the end of the year it reported 10 co-processing projects with a total capacity of 1.7Mt/yr. The projects, mostly based in Guangxi and Yunnan provinces, process municipal solid waste, urban sludge and industrial waste.