Displaying items by tag: Votorantim Cimentos
Quebec government orders St Mary’s Cement’s Port-Daniel-Gascons cement plant to reduce dust emissions
20 September 2022Canada: The Quebec Ministry of the Environment has ordered St Mary’s Cement’s integrated plant at Port-Daniel-Gascons to reduce its dust and other emissions to government-mandated levels. The notification follows an incident that occurred over the summer of 2020 and has reoccurred since on occasion. The order requires, amongst other measures, that the subsidiary of Brazil-based Votorantim allow an independent expert recognised by the department to carry out an assessment of air filtration equipment at the plant and propose ways to improve the situation.
Votorantim Cimentos publishes first-half 2022 results
12 August 2022Brazil: Votorantim Cimentos recorded consolidated sales of US$1.17bn in the first half of 2022, up by 22% year-on-year from US$961m in the first half of 2021. Its cost of sales rose by 36% to US$1.05bn from US$777m. As a result, the group made a loss during the half of US$29.6m, compared to a US$85m profit in the first half of 2021. Group cement volumes grew by 1.1% year-on-year to 17.6Mt from 17.4Mt.
CFO Bianca Nasser said “Despite the slowdown in the world economy, Votorantim Cimentos continues to operate within solid financial metrics and with high liquidity, maintaining its investment grade status with a stable outlook attributed by the credit rating agencies Moody’s and Fitch. The company’s leverage remained at stable levels and in line with our financial policy. In May, we carried out a transaction in the international market that repurchased the most expensive debt in our portfolio, taking advantage of attractive market rates. And we used funds from debt issuances in the local market with more attractive rates to finance our operation.”
St Mary’s Cement obtains extension for McInnis cement plant dust emissions compliance order
21 July 2022Canada: The Canadian government’s Environment and Climate Change department has granted an extension to St Mary’s Cement to an order regarding alleged sticky dust emissions from its McInnis cement plant. The Journal de Québec newspaper has reported that the producer now has until 8 August 2022 to submit its observations on the situation. Environment and Climate Change Canada has identified 12 different equipment failures as contributors to the alleged illegal emissions. On 20 July 2022, it had received a total of 80 reports from the public about the situation.
Canada: Workers at St Mary’s Cement’s Port-Daniel-Gascons cement plant have voted in favour of taking strike action in a dispute over matters including wages and pensions. Local press has reported that workers and the company, a subsidiary of Brazil-based Votorantim Cimentos, will sit in negotiations on 13 and 14 June 2022. Employees previously rejected a ‘final and comprehensive’ offer from the company earlier in May 2022.
Brazil: Votorantim Cimentos’ net revenue grew by 22% year-on-year to US$954m in the first quarter of 2022 from US$781m in the same period in 2021. Its cement sales volumes rose by 5% to 8Mt from 7.6Mt. However, its adjusted earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) fell by 57% to US$81.4m from US$189m. The group attributed its increased sales to ‘favourable price dynamics’ in Brazil, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. However, its earnings suffered from inflation, mounting commodity and energy prices and a strong comparison base in the same period in 2021.
"The war in Europe, sanctions imposed on Russia, new lockdowns in China and bottlenecks in logistics chains continue to impact the global economy. In addition, rising interest rates and cost inflation have affected companies and markets as a whole. Faced with this challenging environment, we remained aligned with our strategy and attentive to costs, our operational excellence and our business plan in all regions," said Marcelo Castelli, Global chief executive officer of Votorantim Cimentos.
Votorantim Cimentos increases earnings and sales in 2021
01 April 2022Brazil: Votorantim Cimentos recorded a 37% year-on-year rise in its adjusted earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) to US$1.10bn in 2021. Its sales rose by 33% to US$4.71bn, while its profit more than tripled to US$2.1bn. The group’s sales grew in all of its regions. Its cement volumes totalled 37.2Mt, up by 15% from 2020 levels. Its capital expenditure (CAPEX) investments grew by 30% year-on-year to US$317m. It commissioned a new production line at its Pecém grinding plant in Brazil and continued to work on an upgrade to Cementos Artigas’ Sayago grinding plant in Uruguay, scheduled for completion in 2022. It also completed its acquisition of Spain-based Cementos Balboa.
Cement operations, logistics and adjacent businesses director Osvaldo Ayres Filho, who was serving as group CFO during 2021, said “We had a record financial performance in 2021, despite the challenging environment due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic and global inflationary pressure.” He added that the producer also made ‘significant strategic moves.’
Brazil: Votorantim Cimentos has appointed Bianca Nasser as its chief financial officer (CFO) and investor relations director. She succeeds Osvaldo Ayres Filho, who will remain in the company as the Director of Cement, Logistics and Adjacent Business Operations.
Nasser worked for Petrobras from 2002 to 2019, eventually becoming the Executive Manager of Corporate Finance and Treasury. She subsequently became the CFO and investor relations officer at BNDES. She is a graduate in economics from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and holds a master’s degree in administration and finance from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Colin Sutherland dies aged 64
21 February 2022Canada: Concrete Economics managing director and long-time figure in the North American cement industry Colin Sutherland has died. Colleagues from throughout his 30 year-career spanning Canada, France and the US have been posting memories of Sutherland. Olsen Management Consulting president and Sutherland’s former Lafarge and Votorantim Cimentos colleague Richard Olsen said “We've lost a dear friend and long-time colleague. Colin was highly respected and valued in the cement industry and had developed a depth of knowledge and insight that was unique.” He continued “Colin's infectious laughter, ever-positive attitude and charm endeared him to many. He'll be sorely missed.”
Before joining Concrete Economics in May 2021, Sutherland was president and co-founder of SC Market Analytics and a board member of US Concrete. Previous positions also included vice president, commercial strategy, for Votorantim Cimentos North America; vice president, business development, integration and strategy for Holcim US and vice president, cementitious materials for Lafarge Cement. Between 1995 and 2001, Sutherland served as director of corporate development for Blue Circle North America, where he subsequently became group integration director following its merger with Lafarge Cement.
Update on Spain, February 2022
09 February 2022The data on cement consumption for 2021 in Spain is out this week and it looks promising. As the national cement association Oficemen explained, last year was the sector’s best for over a decade, nearly reaching 15Mt consumption and exceeding the figure in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic started. Oficemen also singled out particular strong performance in December 2021. It now expects this growth trend to continue into 2022 with a forecast of 5% to 15.6Mt predicted based on both domestic and infrastructure segments.
Graph 1: Cement consumption in Spain, 2012 – 2021. Source: Oficemen.
The Spanish cement industry reached a peak consumption of over 50Mt in the late 2000s before hitting a near-50 year low in the 2010s in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. The market then started to recover in the second half of the 2010s until Covid-19 came along. A report on the Spanish cement market to the start of 2021 that lays out the situation can be found in the February 2021 issue of Global Cement Magazine. The larger news stories since then have been Votorantim Cimentos’ growth in the market through its acquisitions of FYM and Cementos Balboa, and Çimsa Çimento’s final completion of its deal to buy the Buñol white cement plant from Cemex. Each of these stories involve an integrated cement plant changing ownership.
Looking back at Oficemen’s summary describing 2012 depicts a much different dwindling market. However, one commonality it shares with the association’s roundup for 2021 is that it complains about the country’s disadvantage in electricity costs compared to its neighbours. Back in 2012 this was framed as holding back exports. As Oficemen noted at the time it exported 5.9Mt of cement in 2012, less than half the 13Mt it exported in 1983. Jump forward to 2021 and exports are now 6.8Mt. Energy is still a key issue though. Now Oficemen’s president, José Manuel Cascajero Rodríguez, says that the sector’s production costs have increased by 25% since the latest round of electricity price rises began. He then compares the cost of energy intensive industry in Spain unfavourably against France and Germany and calls for a structural change in the Spanish electricity market to make prices more predictable. Cement producers elsewhere in Europe and beyond may share Oficemen’s concerns regard unpredictable energy prices over the last six months but electricity has been a particular issue for Spain for a long time. To take one recent local example, in November 2021 Cementos Cosmos said it was planning to scale down the production of clinker at its Córdoba cement plant as a result of the high cost of electricity.
The other issue that gets raised in Oficemen’s 2021 summary is competition from cement importers outside the European Union (EU) and the necessity of a border carbon adjustment mechanism (CBAM) to take in account carbon taxation for producers within Europe. To jump back a bit, back in May 2021 the EU Emissions trading Scheme (ETS) reached Euro50/t. Then in December 2021 Cembureau, the European cement association, published a calculation predicting that if the EU ETS CO2 cost made it to Euro90/t then this could represent 12 - 15% of the production costs of cement producers. Well, as readers will have guessed, the EU ETS beat Euro90/t on 2 February 2022 and then rose to Euro96.7/t on 7 February 2022. Answers in an email for when readers think the EU ETS price will top Euro100/t.
All of the above feeds neatly into the week’s other big Spanish news story: Cemex and Synhelion have successfully produced clinker from concentrated solar radiation at a pilot unit at the Very High Concentration Solar Tower of IMDEA Energy near Madrid. It’s early days yet as the process needs to be scaled up but, make no mistake, this is a big story. An interview with the team behind Cemex and Synhelion’s solar concentration project can be found in the December 2020 issue of Global Cement Magazine for more information. The SOLPART (Solar-Heated Reactors for Industrials Production of Reactive Particulates) project in France did similar research a few years ago but it didn’t reach the 1500°C target required to reach the sintering phase where clumps of clinker form. US-based Heliogen has been trying to industrialise concentrated solar energy but not much has been heard about its cement-industry ambitions since it said it reached temperatures of about 1000°C in 2019.
The relevance of an eventual full-scale concentrated solar unit for the entire production line or just the preheater and/or calciner at a cement plant in Spain makes considerable sense. At a stroke energy costs are reduced, diverted to a renewable source and any desired CO2 capture becomes, in theory, easier and cheaper. Cemex said in the interview with Global Cement Magazine that the tentative next step would be a pilot unit at a cement plant, although, candidate plants could be in the US or Mexico, as well as Spain. Another side of the drive to cut energy and carbon costs can also be seen in a couple of photovoltaic solar projects supplying cement plants that were announced in 2021 for Spanish plants run by Cemex and Cementos Cosmos.
We leave the Spanish cement sector in a growth phase but with plenty of challenges ahead, not least from electricity costs and the mounting cost of carbon. Yet in common with other countries in Europe the industry faces a high-wire balancing act between staying economically viable and inching towards net zero. It’s conceivable that an industrial scale concentrated solar unit at a cement plant in Spain by 2030 might steady the wobbles along the way.
Cement exports resume from the Port of Malaga
25 January 2022Spain: Bulk cement exports have resumed from the Port of Malaga for the first time since September 2021. The Panamanian-flagged Grit Cement II docked at the port in mid-January 2022 to collect a consignment of 8000t, according to Málaga Hoy. Trade in cement from the port stopped in the autumn of 2021 when HeildebergCement sold the Southern Spain business of its FYM subsidiary to Brazil-based Votorantim Cimentos. Prior to the reopening, ships from the port exported cement to the Port of Banjul in Gambia.