Thailand: Germany-based Beumer has replaced the belt of a 3.5km raw materials conveying system at TPI Polene’s cement plant. It used a process that allows the new belt to be inserted into the system and the old belt to be pulled out only in one go, instead of exchanging the single belt sections one after other. The supplier says that this resulted in ‘substantial’ time saving for the customer and avoided unplanned system failures.
Beumer originally commissioned the conveying system in 2015. The 2200t/hr system consists of two regenerative belt conveyors with system control, transfer stations and filter systems, as well as foreign material separators. 989m of further belt conveying systems are used to remove the material from the blending bed and to feed the primary hopper of the raw mills complete the system. Installation took 11 months, followed by a three-month commissioning period.