Germany: HeidelbergCement recorded consolidated sales of Euro14bn in the first nine months of 2021, up by 7% year-on-year from Euro13.1bn in the corresponding period of 2020. Revenues rose in all regions, except for North America, where they fell by 0.1% to Euro3.51bn. The company’s cement sales were 95.7Mt, up by 6% from 90.1Mt, while its ready-mixed concrete sales were 35.7Mm3, up by 4% from 34.4Mm3. Cement sales grew across every region, and recorded the sharpest increase in Western and Southern Europe, of 11% to 23Mt from 20.7Mt.
The group said that ‘significant’ energy cost inflation impacted upon results in the period. It launched a Euro500m cost mitigation programme and initiated the divestment of some Spanish assets and the acquisition of Tanga Cement in Tanzania.