Philippines: The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has decided to impose anti-dumping duties on cement imported from Vietnam. Trade Secretary Alfredo E Pascual said that the dumping of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Blended Cement from Vietnam posed an "imminent threat of material injury to the domestic cement industry," according to the BusinessWorld newspaper. The duties will comprise 4 – 28% of the export price of OPC and 3 – 55% of the price of Blended Cement. The DTI has identified 11 cement companies from Vietnam that will be targeted with the anti-dumping tariffs.
A report by the Tariff Commission found that 53% of the total cement imported from July 2019 to December 2020 comprised product originating from Vietnam at dumped prices. Overall the country’s OPC and Blended Cement imports rose by 11% year-on-year to 5.90Mt in 2020 and by 16.2% to 6.85Mt in 2021. Imports rose by a further 7% year-on-year to 3.50Mt in the first half of 2022 compared to an average of 3.27Mt for the same half-year periods in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The TC said, "The existence of threat of material injury to the domestic industry is imminent in the near future, as indicated by the significant rate of increase of dumped imports into the Philippines capturing substantial market share, presence of price undercutting, price depression and price suppression.”