Kenya: The activism of local Massai groups and environmental NGOs is preventing the National Cement Company from installing its clinker plant south of Nairobi.
Narendra Raval, head of the National Cement Company Ltd (NCC), known as 'Guru', is facing stiff resistance to installing a clinker plant south of Nairobi and operating limestone quarries. His company has acquired land from the local county council to build its second cement plant in the country, but environmental NGOs are opposed to this project. Massai groups are doing likewise, saying in their case, that the land belongs to them. The strongest resistance comes from state-owned Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS), which argues that the land should remain a migration corridor for wildlife between the national parks of Amboseli and Nairobi.
A subsidiary of the Devki Group (which is also the parent of DevkiSteel Mills), NCC argues its case by promising to reserve 200 new jobs for Massai youth.