Qatar: A new report by Commerical bank Capital has forecast massive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for cement consumption in Qatar, one of the wealthiest countries in the Middle East. Investment in Qatar's construction sector on the back of what the report termed 'strong economic fundamentals' will trigger demand for cement, with a forecast CAGR of 12% to 2015.
Qatar's current production capacity stands at 6.2Mt/yr, which meets the country's existing demand. However, Commercial bank Capital expects consumption to peak in 2013 and 2014. The majority of Qatar's large-scale projects that are planned or under construction will be completed by 2015.
The report said that Qatari companies would be 'unlikely' to be able to match the impending demand, meaning that it will have to seek cement imports, likely to come from Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Cement producers in Qatar are planning to further expand their capacity in preparation for anticipated massive investment in the country's construction sector. The majority of construction activities will be in relation to infrastructure upgrade and real estate developments. Qatar National Cement Company (QNCC), already the country's largest cement producer with a market share of around 70%, is going to add 0.93Mt/yr to take its capacity to 5.36Mt/yr in the coming years.
"The Cement price in Qatar has been stable as it is controlled by the government," the report said. "Going forward, we do not expect any volatility in the cement price and believe that it will continue to remain stable at current levels."