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Update on China: March 2021
31 March 2021Financial results for 2020 from the major Chinese cement companies are now out, making it time for a recap. Firstly, information from the China Cement Association (CCA) is worth looking at. The country had a cement production capacity of 1.83Bnt/yr in 2020. For an idea of the current pace of industry growth, 26 new integrated production lines were built in 2020 with a clinker production capacity of just under 40Mt/yr.
This is as one might expect from the world’s biggest cement market. However, the CCA also revealed that the country has over 3400 domestic cement companies, of which two thirds are independent cement grinding companies. Most of these were reportedly created during the late 2000s as dry kilns started to predominate. The CCA is concerned with the quality of the cement some of these companies produce and the lack of order in this part of the market such as regional imbalances. This suggests that the government’s attempts to consolidate the cement industry as a whole had led to the independent companies heading down the supply chain. It also raises the possibility that the government-led consolidation drive may move to grinding next. One news story to remember here is that in February 2021 the CCA called for its industry to respect competition laws following a government investigation. Later in the month it emerged that eight cement companies in Shandong Province had been fined US$35m for price fixing in a sophisticated cartel whereby the perpetrators went as far arranging a formal price management committee to regulate the market.
The CCA described 2020 as a year of sudden decline, rapid recovery and stability. Coronavirus hit cement output in the first quarter of 2020 leading to unprecedented monthly year-on-year declines before it bounced right back in a classic ‘V’ shaped recovery pattern. Despite the pandemic and bad weather later in the year, annual output rose by 2% year-on-year to 2.37Bnt in 2020 from 2.32Bnt in 2019. This has carried on into 2021 with a 61% increase in January and February 2021 to 241Mt from 150Mt in the same period in 2020. That’s not surprising given that China was suffering from the pandemic in these months in 2020 but the growth also suggests that the industry may have gone past stability and is growing beyond simply compensating for lost ground.
Graph 1: Year-on-year change in cement output in China, January 2010 - February 2021. Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China. Note that accumulated data is issued for January and February each year so these months show a mean figure.
Chart 2: Annual cement production growth by Province in 2020. Source: China Cement Association.
Chart 2 above shows cement production in 2020 from a provincial perspective. Note the sharp decline, more than 10% year-on-year, in Hubei Province (shown in dark green). Its capital Wuhan is where the first documented outbreak of coronavirus took place followed by a severe lockdown. Zooming further out, China’s clinker imports grew by 47% year-on-year to 33.4Mt in 2020. This is the third consecutive year of import growth, according to the CCA. The leading sources were Vietnam (59%), Indonesia (10%), Thailand (10%) and Japan (8%). China has become the main export destination for South East Asian cement producers and Chinese imports are expected to continue growing in 2021.
Graph 2: Revenue of large Chinese cement producers in 2020 and 2019. Source: Company reports.
Moving to the financial figures from the larger Chinese cement producers, CNBM and Anhui Conch remain the world’s two largest cement producing companies by revenue, beating multinational peers such as CRH, LafargeHolcim and HeidelbergCement. Anhui Conch appeared to be one of the winners in 2020 and Huaxin Cement appeared to be one of the losers. This is misleading from a cement perspective because Anhui Conch’s increased revenue actually arose from its businesses selling materials other than clinker and cement products. Its cement sales and cement trading revenue remained stable. On the other hand, Huaxin Cement was based, as it describes, in the epicentre of the epidemic and it then had to contend with flooding along the Yangtze River later in the year. Under these conditions, it is unsurprising that its revenue fell.
CNBM’s cement sales revenue fell by 3% year-on-year to US$19.5bn in 2020 with sales from its new materials and engineering compensating. Anhui Conch noted falling product prices in 2020 to varying degrees in most of the different regions of China except for the south. CNBM broadly agreed with this assessment in its financial results. Anhui Conch also reported that its export sales volumes and revenue fell by 51% and 45% year-on-year respectively due to the effects of coronavirus in overseas markets. The last point is interesting given that China increasingly appears in lists of major cement and clinker exporters to different countries. This seems to be more through the sheer size of the domestic sector rather than any concerted efforts at targeting exports.
One major story on CNBM over the last 15 months has been its drive to further consolidate its subsidiaries. In early March 2021 it said it was intending to increase its stake in Tianshan Cement to 88% from 46% and other related transactions. This followed the announcement of restructuring plans in mid-2020 whereby subsidiary Tianshan Cement would take control of China United Cement, North Cement, Sinoma Cement, South Cement, Southwest Cement and CNBM Investment. The move was expected to significantly increase operational efficiency of its constituent cement companies as they would be able to start acting in a more coordinated manner and address ‘fundamental’ issues with production overcapacity nationally.
In summary, the Chinese cement market appears to have more than compensated for the shocks it faced in 2020 with growth in January and February 2021 surpassing the depression in early 2020. Market consolidation is continuing, notably with CNBM’s efforts to better control the world’s largest cement producing company. Alongside this the CCA may be starting to suggest that rationalisation efforts previously focused on integrated plants should perhaps be now looking at the more independent grinding sector. The government continues to tighten regulations on new production capacity and is in the process of introducing new rules increasing the ratio of old lines that have to be shut down before new ones can be built. Finally, China introduced its interim national emissions trading scheme in February 2021, which has large implications for the cement sector in the future, even if the current price lags well behind Europe at present.
Indonesia: Semen Indonesia has detailed its plans for future exports of cement to North America. The Investor Daily newspaper has reported that the producer and subsidiary Solusi Bangun Indonesia will target 0.5 – 1Mt of cement exports to North America in 2021, according to president director Hendi Santoso. The export plans will be carried out in partnership with Japan-based Taiheiyo Cement, which already has a US market presence and owns a 15% stake in Solusi Bangun Indonesia. Hendi said that the move aims to ‘cushion’ the decline in domestic cement sales, down by 28% bulk and 13% bagged year-on-year in 2020. The company successfully exported cement to Australia, Bangladesh, China, Fiji and Sri Lanka in 2020.
President commissioner Rudi Antara said, "The Covid-19 outbreak still colours our lives. There is no other choice but to increase business efficiency and the top line outside of our main markets."
Japan: Taiheiyo Cement plans to set up a Carbon Neutral Technology Development Project Team in April 2021. The team will develop and apply carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies for installation at the producer’s cement kilns. The company said that the team seeks to develop cost-practical product for industrial application. Following on from this, it plans to develop CCS technologies which make use of other cement plant processes, and which integrates the circular economic use of industrial by-products. Carbon neutrality is the ultimate aim.
The group said, “By establishing a new project team that is a cross-company organisation, we will gather our wisdom and realise carbon neutrality. We will strongly promote the development of innovative technologies for this purpose.”
Philippines: Japan-based Taiheiyo Cement subsidiary Taiheiyo Cement Philippines has announced the formation of the Philippines Renewal Construction Project team. The company says that the team will support work on a new production line at the company’s integrated San Fernando cement plant in Cebu. When finished, the upgrade will give the company a total production capacity of 3Mt/yr. The producer said that expanding production capacity in the country is among its biggest growth strategies. Its longer-term sales target is 5Mt/yr, corresponding to a domestic sales share of 10%.
The company anticipates a growth in cement demand in 2021, in part due to the government’s infrastructure budget of US$20.8bn, over 5% of gross domestic product.
Japan: Taiheiyo Cement has developed Nanoritia, a lithium manganese iron phosphate salt for use as a positive electrode material for lithium-ion batteries. The company says that the product has ‘excellent’ thermal stability and does not contain cobalt or nickel, which can sometimes be harder to source. As a result of the success, it will establish a 100t/yr nanoritia plant at its Central Research Laboratory in Sakura city, Chiba prefecture.
The group said, “We will proactively and swiftly develop and commercialise the production technology of this product, and contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions through the provision of materials for lithium-ion batteries. We will continue to strongly promote the group's management philosophy of business activities that are in harmony with not only economic development but also consideration for the environment and contribution to society, aiming to play a leading role in opening up a sustainable future for the earth.”
The cement and minerals producer has also been working on recycling large lithium-ion batteries at its integrated Tsuruga plant.
Cement shortages in Arizona
17 February 2021One news story to note recently has been Cemex’s decision to recommission a kiln in Mexico to address cement shortages in the southwest US. In early February 2021 the Mexico-based producer said it was spending US$15m to restart a 1Mt/yr kiln at its CPN cement plant in Hermosillo, Sonora. The unit is over 250km from the US border but Cemex said it was making the investment to cope with cement shortages and project delays in California, Arizona and Nevada. At present it supplies over 3Mt/yr to California, Arizona, and Nevada from its integrated plant in Victorville, California and via sea-borne imports. Efficiency improvements at Victorville and other unspecified supply chain changes are also planned.
Cemex isn’t the only company with an eye on the south-west US. Around the same time Japan-based Taiheiyo Cement concluded its deal with Semen Indonesia to buy a 15% stake in its subsidiary Solusi Bangun Indonesia (SBI) for around US$220m. It’s a long way from Arizona but the related statement mentioned plans to make SBI’s integrated Tuban plant in East Java more export focused, with the construction of a new jetty and silos. It intends to export 0.5Mt/yr of cement to Taiheiyo Cement’s business in the US. Its local subsidiary, CalPortland, runs two integrated plants in California and one in Arizona.
Chart 1: Annual change in US cement consumption by state, December 2019 – November 2020. Source: PCA & USGS.
In its recent winter forecasts the Portland Cement Association (PCA) reported that the Mountain region of the US recorded the highest growth in cement consumption in 2020, at 10%, due to underlying economic fundamentals and favourable demographic trends. Data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) supports Cemex’s view too. Ordinary Portland Cement and blended cement shipments rose by 21% year-on-year to 2.74Mt in Arizona and New Mexico in the first 11 months of 2020 from 2.28Mt in the same period in 2019. This doesn’t quite tally in California where shipments fell slightly, by 0.8%, to 9.42Mt. However, it reported 12% growth to 2.38Mt in the first quarter of 2020, suggesting that the market could return sharply once the coronavirus epidemic is better under control. Overall, shipments in the US grew by 1.03% to 82.3Mt in the first 11 months of 2020, driven by growth in central regions. The PCA expects national cement consumption to grow by about 1% in 2021 with a ‘robust’ recovery driven by residential housing but slowed by uncertain coronavirus vaccination supplies and general market volatility.
In a world with too much clinker production capacity, it stands out to see two established producers so visibly chasing market share in a mature market. Rather than building new plants, both Cemex and Taiheiyo Cement are using or reviving existing production lines in other countries, and building import strategies as well as optimising their existing facilities in the regions. With the western building material multinationals now often looking to focus on ‘safe’ markets in Europe or North America the fight to grow market share in these regions is likely to become more intense. It also complicates decisions about when or if an existing plant should be mothballed or shut. After all, Cemex’s old production line in Hermosillo is about to become very useful indeed.
Taiheiyo Cement profits rise despite coronavirus
09 February 2021Japan: Taiheiyo Cement’s consolidated net profit in the nine-month period which ended on 31 December 2020 was US$355m, up by 22% year-on-year from US$292m in the same period in 2019. Sales fell by 2% to US$6.24bn from US$6.33bn.
The company said that domestic demand fell in the second quarter of the 2021 financial year due to the suspension of construction work during a local coronavirus lockdown. Cement sales volumes of Japanese producers were 29.6Mt, a decrease of 5% yet exports rose by 6% to 8.22Mt. Public and private sector demand remained sluggish into the third quarter of the financial year due to process delays and a shortage of construction workers. However, its cement business recorded a year-on-year price increase.
Japan: Sumitomo Osaka’s Cement’s consolidated sales were US$1.68bn in the nine-month period which ended on 31 December 2020, down by 3% year-on-year from US$1.74m in the corresponding period of its 2020 financial year. Its net profit rose by 5% to US$77.9m from US$73.8m. In December 2020 the company launched its ‘2020 - 2022 Medium-Term Management Plan’ to enable it to meet carbon neutrality by 2050.
Sumitomo Osaka Cement confirms place in Development Bank of Japan sustainable loan system
02 February 2021Japan: Sumitomo Osaka Cement has been declared eligible for the Development Bank of Japan’s (DBJ) Environmental Rating loan program for the second time. The scheme offers preferential interest rates to companies scoring highly in environmental management based on the bank’s screening system. The cement producer says it obtained the ranking through its promotion of energy saving, waste recycling and greenhouse emission reduction targets for 2030 and 2050 in its business strategy.
Japan/Indonesia: Taiheiyo Cement says that its board has approved and concluded its deal with Semen Indonesia to buy a 15% stake in its subsidiary Solusi Bangun Indonesia (SBI) for around US$220m. As part of the agreement, SBI’s Tuban plant will increase its export capacity by building a new jetty and silos. It will then export 0.5Mt/yr of cement to Taiheiyo Cement’s subsidiary in the US. The Japanese cement producer said that is focusing on markets in South-East Asia as part of its sustainable business development strategy in response to projected long term declining cement demand in Japan.