Displaying items by tag: grinding plant
Ramco Cements to buy grinding plant in West Bengal
06 March 2018India: Ramco Cements has entered into an agreement with Ramco Industries, a fellow subsidiary of Ramco Group, to buy a 216,000t/yr grinding plant at Kharagpur in West Bengal. The deal covers the land and equipment at the site. The cement producer will pay US$2.6m as part of the agreement.
Namibia: The Whale Rock Cement plant is set to start producing cement at its new grinding plant near Otjiwarongo in April 2018. Using the Cheetah Cement brand name the company had originally intended to start production in January 2018, according to the Namibia Press Agency. Clinker for the plant has been imported from Egypt. Previously, the imported cement was reported by local media as coming from China.
Originally the company intended to buy clinker from a local producer but the negotiations failed leading the cement producer to buy imports instead. Around 24,000t of clinker from a total of 40,000t have been transported from Walvis Bay to Otjiwarongo by 732 trucks. Once fully operational in August 2018 the plant is expected to create around 600 jobs. The company is a joint venture between China’s Asia-Africa Business Management and Whale Rock Cement.
Asian Cement Group launches Duraton Cement grinding plant in Punjab
27 February 2018India: Asian Cement Group has launched a new 1.5Mt/yr grinding plant at Rajpura in Punjab. The project had an investment of US$62m. The site will operate under the Duraton Cement brand.
The plant consists of a grinding mill with a roller press and a separator. The unit also uses a robotic laboratory from Demark’s FLSmidth to automate cement sampling, sample transportation, preparation and analysis.
The cement producer will launch its Prime WR variant product in March 2018. This product will be sold in vacuum-packed waterproof packaging. The first consignments from the plant have been sent to religious sites in Rajpura and Chandigarh. Subsequent rollout will target Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh.
Fancesa to build cement grinding plant near border with Paraguay
23 February 2018Bolivia/Paraguay: Bolivia’s Fábrica Nacional de Cemento (Fancesa) is planning to build a new cement grinding plant and terminal near the border with Paraguay. The project is budgeted at US$16m and it may be built as a joint venture, according to the Correo del Sur newspaper. The cement producer is also about to deliver its first consignment to Paraguay.
President inaugurates Limak Cement plant in Mozambique
22 February 2018Mozambique: President Filipe Nyusi has inaugurated Limak Cement’s 0.7Mt/yr plant in Matola. Nyusi said he expected the plant to ‘contribute to stabilising prices in a scenario of high levels of demand for cement,’ according to the Mozambique News Agency. The unit will employ over 140 people.
Cementos Argos orders two modular grinding plants from Cemengal
21 February 2018Honduras: Cementos Argos has ordered two Plug&Grind XL modular grinding units for a project in Honduras. Each mill has a production capacity of 220,000t/yr. The ball mills are 3.0 x 9.5m and they have a power of 1100kW. They also include 50,000m3/hr bag filters and classifiers. The scope of supply includes new cement storage silos for finished product, packing and dispatching equipment. The cement producer announced in early February 2018 that it was planning to spend US$20m on building a new cement grinding plant at Choloma.
Shree Cement commissions Bangur grinding plant
15 February 2018India: Shree Cement has commissioned its new cement grinding unit at Bangur, Rohi Udaipur Udasar in Rajasthan. The plant has a grinding capacity of 3.60Mt/yr.
Cimburkina starts grinding plant upgrade
05 February 2018Burkina Faso: Cimburkina has started upgrading its Kossodo cement grinding plant. The US$2.85m project will centre on the installation of a new mill. This will double its production capacity to 2Mt/yr, according to the Sidwaya newspaper. Other works will include a new 2000t limestone silo and a new bagging unit. The new mill is scheduled to start production in December 2018.
The plant, a subsidiary of Germany’s HeidelbergCement, produces two types of cement: CEM II 42.5 R and CEM II BL 32.5 R. Clinker for production comes from the group’s Scantogo plant in Togo.
LafargeHolcim inaugurates new mill at Ivory Coast plant
05 February 2018Ivory Coast: Jean-Claude Brou, the Minister of Industry and Mines, has inaugurated a new mill at LafargeHolcim Ivory Coast’s plant at Abidjan. The new mill has increased the unit’s production capacity to 2Mt/yr, according to the Agence Ivoirienne de Presse. LafargeHolcim Ivory Coast re-used a ball mill from a Spanish cement plant that was dismantled and shipped to Abidjan. The mill uses a 4.5MW motor and the cement producer says it is the largest horizontal ball mill in French-speaking West Africa. The project cost US$28.5m.
Cementos Argos to build grinding plant in Honduras
02 February 2018Honduras: Cementos Argos plans to spend US$20m on building a new cement grinding plant at Choloma. The unit will have a production capacity of 0.44Mt/yr. It will join the cement producer’s integrated plant in Comayagua and another grinding plant in San Lorenzo. The new grinding plant, loacted in the north of the country, is intended to integrate into Cementos Argos’ logistics network in the wider region. It will create 200 jobs.