Italy: Cement and clinker imports from non-EU countries rose by 43% year-on-year in the first nine months of 2024, following 2023's high of 2.28Mt of cement and 1.33Mt of clinker, up by 22.6% on 2022 and 572% compared to 2018, according to Federbeton.
Federbeton president Stefano Gallini said “Italy shares its Mediterranean coastline with countries that, although they boast a large cement manufacturing industry, do not share the stringent environmental and safety standards of EU countries. The increase in imports from these countries therefore risks having repercussions not only on the cement and concrete sector, but on the entire Italian economic and social context.”
Gallini warned that Italy faces challenges from cheaper imports driven by lower environmental investments abroad. He added “Federbeton, like the entire hard-to-abate industry, is in a moment of great turmoil, engaged in a path for decarbonisation with investments of €4.2bn in addition to extra operating costs of approximately €1.4bn/yr. Asking the Italian industry for an effort of this type and continuing not to protect it by allowing uncontrolled imports means relocating emissions to foreign countries, to which are added those due to increased transport, with dangerous repercussions for the future of our own planet.”