France: Heidelberg Materials' subsidiary Ciments Calcia has laid the foundation stone for its construction of a Euro285m CO2 emissions-reducing upgrade to its Airvault cement plant in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Ciments Calcia first published its plans for the installation of a new 4000t/day production line to replace both existing lines at the Airvault plant in 2021, with commissioning scheduled for mid-2024.
Germany-based ThyssenKrupp secured the order to supply a 1200t/hr double-shaft hammer crusher, a longitudinal blending bed, a 370t/hr Quadropol QMR² 45/23 vertical roller mill, a 10,000t raw materials tangential blending silo, a single-string, five-stage Dopol cyclone preheater with integral calciner for alternative fuels (with the possibility of conversion to oxyfuel), a Polytrack clinker cooler, a solid recovered fuel preparation line and dedusting systems for the project.